This website is created with the goal of promoting the research activities carried out by the Quality Engineering and Management Group. All information or material contained herein is intended for that purpose.

The research group is part of the Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) of Politecnico di Torino. It deals with research areas related to Quality Engineering. Current research interests are in the areas of Statistical Process Control, Quality Management, Industrial Metrology and Robotics. 



Enhancing Manufacturing Quality through Gamification

The Quality Engineering and Management Group hosted a seminar titled "Enhancing Manufacturing Quality through Gamification: An Exploratory Study in a Collaborative Assembly Process". The seminar was presented by Matteo Capponi.


Toward a concept of digital twin for monitoring assembly and disassembly processes

SEE OUR PUBLICATION: Verna, E., Puttero, S., Genta, G., & Galetto, M. (2023). Toward a concept of digital twin for monitoring assembly and disassembly processes application/pdf (3.65 MB). QUALITY ENGINEERING, 36(3), 453–470.